پنجشنبه، مرداد ۲۷، ۱۳۹۰

Notice Regarding The Man in the Mirror

Unfortunately it will not be possible to publish on this blog a translation of The Man in the Mirror, Carole Jerome’s book about Sadegh Ghotbzadeh and the revolution in Iran, due to problems regarding copyright laws. The book may be republished in English at a future time. Also there was an error on this blog mentioning documents the author may have. The only document is the partial diary of Mr. Ghotbzadeh’s trip to Najaf Iraq, which already appeared in the original book. Thank you all for your interest.

۱ نظر:

  1. I hope there would be enough financial justification for republishing such a memoir. If the book will be published in Persian, there might be still some interest, even it is already more than 30 years passed the Iranian revolution.


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