چهارشنبه، بهمن ۱۹، ۱۳۸۴

The one not smiling...

دو – سه روز پیش ایمیل زیر از دوست ناشناسی ظاهراً اینطور که IP اش نشون میده از کالیفرنیا به دستم رسید:

i don't know what brought me across your website but something did. im always happy to find interesting things :)
i looked through your photo gallery, and wonder why you are always the one not smiling, are you sad?

من هم در جواب اینو نوشتم براش :

Najva, my unknown friend!

I'm not actually a sad person, although I'm not a happy one too! If I had been asked to choose for coming to this world or not, for sure I would choose NO! Never! Ever!
I believe, in our world there are few things to make someone really happy. But as a person without any right to that choice, I try to do my best.
Anyhow! I'll try to smile in my photos. I promise!
By the way, I saw your website and read some posts in your weblog as well. Your digital designs are amazing. I really liked them and also your Persian Cat is so cute!


خودم هیچ وقت از عکس های خودم راضی نیستم اما واقعاً من توی عکس هام اینقدر اخمو به نظر میام؟! (راستی وبلاگ ایشون Silence owns است که شاید بشه ترجمه اش به فارسی رو "خود ِ خاموش" گفت.)

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